Family Law Attorney San Diego: Expert Legal Services for Your Family Matters

Understanding Family Law in San Diego

If you are dealing with a family-related legal issue in San Diego, it is essential to understand the basics of family law in California. Family law covers a broad range of topics, including divorce, child custody, adoption, spousal support, paternity cases, prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements, and domestic violence.


Divorce is the legal process of ending a marriage. In California, you can file for divorce if you meet the residency requirements. You or your spouse must have lived in California for at least six months before filing for divorce. The process involves filing a petition, serving the other party, and attending court hearings.

Child Custody

Child custody refers to the legal and physical custody of a child. In California, the court considers the best interests of the child when making custody decisions. The court may award joint custody, sole custody, or a combination of both. The court may also consider the child’s preference if the child is mature enough to make a decision.

Spousal Support

Spousal support, also known as alimony, is the financial support provided by one spouse to the other after a divorce. In California, the court considers several factors when determining spousal support, including the length of the marriage, the standard of living during the marriage, and the earning capacity of each spouse.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is a serious issue that affects many families. In California, domestic violence includes physical, emotional, and sexual abuse. If you are a victim of domestic violence, you can seek a restraining order to protect yourself and your children.


Understanding family law in San Diego is crucial if you are dealing with a family-related legal issue. Whether you are going through a divorce, fighting for child custody, seeking spousal support, or dealing with domestic violence, a skilled family law attorney can help you navigate the legal system and protect your rights.

Services Provided by Family Law Attorneys

Family law attorneys in San Diego offer a range of legal services to help you navigate through the complexities of family law. Here are some of the services that family law attorneys provide:

Divorce and Legal Separation

Divorce and legal separation are complicated legal processes that require the assistance of a family law attorney. A family law attorney can help you file for divorce or legal separation, negotiate the terms of the separation agreement, and represent you in court if necessary. They can also help you with issues related to child custody, child support, spousal support, and property division.

Child Custody and Visitation

Child custody and visitation are some of the most contentious issues in family law. A family law attorney can help you understand your legal rights and obligations as a parent, negotiate a parenting plan with your ex-spouse, and represent you in court if necessary. They can also help you modify an existing custody order if your circumstances have changed.

Child Support

Child support is a financial obligation that one parent must pay to the other parent to support their child. A family law attorney can help you calculate child support, negotiate child support payments with your ex-spouse, and represent you in court if necessary. They can also help you modify an existing child support order if your circumstances have changed.

Spousal Support

Spousal support, also known as alimony, is a financial obligation that one spouse must pay to the other spouse after a divorce or legal separation. A family law attorney can help you negotiate spousal support payments with your ex-spouse, calculate the amount of spousal support you are entitled to, and represent you in court if necessary.

Property Division

Property division is the process of dividing marital property between spouses during a divorce or legal separation. A family law attorney can help you understand your legal rights and obligations regarding property division, negotiate a property settlement agreement with your ex-spouse, and represent you in court if necessary.

Paternity Law

Paternity law is the legal process of establishing the biological father of a child. A family law attorney can help you establish paternity, negotiate child custody and support agreements, and represent you in court if necessary.

Domestic Violence and Restraining Orders

Domestic violence is a serious issue that can have long-lasting effects on you and your family. A family law attorney can help you obtain a restraining order to protect yourself and your children from an abusive spouse or partner. They can also represent you in court if necessary.

In conclusion, family law attorneys in San Diego provide a range of legal services to help you navigate through the complexities of family law. Whether you are going through a divorce, seeking child custody, or dealing with domestic violence, a family law attorney can help you understand your legal rights and obligations and represent you in court if necessary.

Choosing the Right Family Law Attorney

When going through a family law case, it is essential to have a competent and experienced attorney who can guide you through the legal process. Choosing the right family law attorney can be a daunting task, but with the right approach, you can find a lawyer who will represent your interests and achieve the best possible outcome for your case. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a family law attorney in San Diego.

Qualifications and Experience

It is crucial to consider the qualifications and experience of a family law attorney before hiring them. You should look for a lawyer who has a strong educational background and relevant experience in family law. Check if the attorney has a license to practice law in California and if they are a member of the State Bar of California. Also, consider the attorney’s experience in handling cases similar to yours. An experienced attorney will have a better understanding of the legal process and can provide you with valuable advice on your case.

Client Testimonials and Reviews

Client testimonials and reviews are an essential source of information when choosing a family law attorney. You can check the attorney’s website, social media profiles, and online directories to read reviews and testimonials from their previous clients. Positive reviews and testimonials indicate that the attorney has a good reputation and provides quality legal services. On the other hand, negative reviews and testimonials may indicate that the attorney has a poor track record and may not be the right fit for your case.

Consultation Process

Before hiring a family law attorney, it is essential to schedule a consultation with them. During the consultation, you can discuss your case with the attorney and ask them any questions you may have. You should pay attention to how the attorney communicates with you and if they listen to your concerns. A good attorney will provide you with clear and concise answers to your questions and will be transparent about their fees and services. You should also ask the attorney about their strategy for your case and their estimated timeline for resolving it.

In conclusion, choosing the right family law attorney can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case. By considering the qualifications and experience of the attorney, client testimonials and reviews, and the consultation process, you can find a competent and trustworthy attorney who will represent your interests and achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Sunnen Law – San Diego Divorce & Family Law
Phone: (619)255-9551
2250 5th
San Diego, CA 91913